Re: [R] Execution halting of lmer on UNIX when no problem on windows

2006-10-16 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
See ?try ?tryCatch FAQ 7.32 This is not a Windows/UNIX difference as you suppose, but an interactive/batch difference. You could also look into using options(error=). On Sun, 15 Oct 2006, Toby Gardner wrote: Dear R-users, I have a frustrating problem that I am hoping has a simple fix.

[R] Execution halting of lmer on UNIX when no problem on windows

2006-10-15 Thread Toby Gardner
Dear R-users, I have a frustrating problem that I am hoping has a simple fix. I am running a series of lmer models from the lme4 package of the general form: model-lmer(y~x1 + x2 . + xn + (1|site),data=dataframe,family=poisson,method=Laplace,control=list(usePQL=FALSE,msVerbose=TRUE))