Hi Moritz,
you need to initialize your lists somehow, before you can use them (hence the
error) like:
> regdata1 <- regdata2 <- list()
[some for loops]
I believe it might be cleaner to use c() to concat the lists, as your code
seems to add lists at the end, than to assign to list elements which d
thanx for the reply.
Sk is a 1067*300 matrix
att is a 300*15 matrix
attq8 is a 300*17 matrix
regdata1 and regdata2 are meant to become my 2 lists of lists by this procedure
- I actually do not know if they should be initialized in any other way as
lists of lists and how to do this.
Moritz Ma
1) see in ?"[[":
"The most important distinction between '[', '[[' and '$' is that the
'[' can select more than one element whereas the other two select a
single element."
2) what are Sk, att, attq8, regdata1 and regdata2 ?
>Dear all,
>I need to generate a list
Dear all,
I need to generate a list of lists as required by the bayesm-package. This
means in my application that I have to generate a list which consists of 2000
elements, which are lists themselves:
The y are vectors and the X are matrices of differen