This is the same as glm except that
- formula may be of class character in which case its
regarded as the name of the response variable and
the formula defaults to resp ~ Species for that response
- the data frame defaults to iris
- modify as appropriate for your case
myglm <- function (formul
i forgot a paste():
f.myglm <- function(y=y, subset="x2 == 'yes'", data=d.d.mydata)
deparse(substitute(y)), "~ x1, family=binomial, data=",
deparse(substitute(data)), ", subset =,
subset, ")", sep="")))
> f.myglm <- function(y=y, subset="x2 == 'yes'", data=d.d.mydata)
> eval(parse(text="glm(",
deparse(substitute(y)), "~ x1, family=binomial, data=",
deparse(substitute(data)), ", subset =,
subset, ")"))
> f.myglm()
Jacques V
Hi there
I want to pass arguments (i.e. the response variable and the subset
argument) in a self-made function to glm.
Here is one way I can do this:
f.myglm <- function(y,subfact,subval) {
> str(d.mydata)