With thanks to Matrix package co-author Martin 
Maechler, I'm happy to report satisfactory closure 
of two recent threads I initiated about that package: 
   -  Warning while subsetting with Matrix
   -  R Crash with 'library(Matrix);as(x,"dgCMatrix")
In the first, I reported seeing a warning message after
selecting a subset of a matrix 'M' of class "dgTMatrix"
via the first but not the second of these commands:
  M10 <- M[1:10,]
  M10 <- M[1:10,1:10]

Acting on Martin's advice, I upgraded Matrix version 
0.995-10 to version 0.995-11.  This eliminated the
warning message.

In the second, I reported that class-conversion of 
a self-constructed "dgTMatrix" of dimension 600 X 4482
caused R to crash when done via either of the first two
but neither of the last two of these commands:

  Mc <- as(M, "dgCMatrix")
  Mm <- as(M, "matrix")
  Mc <- rbind(as(M[1:300,], "dgCMatrix"), as(M[301:600], "dgCMatrix")
  Mm <- rbind(as(M[1:300,], "matrix"), as(M[301:600], "matrix")

I surmised this was a memory issue but Martin pointed out 
the memory demand to hold even the expanded sparse matrix
is actually rather small (8 x 600 x 4482 = 21549456 bytes
= 21.5 Megabytes).
For obvious bandwidth reasons, I did not post my large 
matrix, so Martin created one of his own.  Neither he 
nor I could reproduce crashes with his matrix. Offlist,
I sent him my matrix. Upon class-conversion, it crashed 
his machine too.

Upon inspection, Martin discovered that my matrix did not
conform to the dgTMatrix class as defined in Matrix. In 
particular, my slots [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] were integer 
beginning with ones, i.e., they respectively indexed the
first row and column of the matrix as "1", not as "0".  

However, correcting this did not stop crashes, until I also
realized that [EMAIL PROTECTED] had 601 (not 600) unique integer values, 
and corrected my Dims slot ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to be c(601,4482).  This 
stopped the crashes.

Once created, Matrix objects behave like matrix objects in
the sense that "one-based" indexing is used to subset them
or re-assign values to them.  But for users who create 
them, especially using the new() function, it is helpful
to remind oneself that Matrix objects are created and 
stored using "zero-based" indexing.  This fact is
mentioned only obliquely in the current version's PDF file
and R-accessible documentation.  Hopefully that will change.

Again, my thanks to Martin. For me this experience confirms
The vigor of open-source, forum-supported projects.

-John Thaden, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Geriatrics
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Little Rock, AR 72205

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