[R] aov - glm - lmer

2007-01-05 Thread cressonim
I am sorry to ask a trivial question but I am not a statistician. When I need to compare more than two groups in a unbalanced design with SAS system I use PROC GLM (like the example in data5.csv from Cody R. Applied statistics and SAS programming language p.223). R glm gives different results.

Re: [R] aov - glm - lmer

2007-01-05 Thread Martin Henry H. Stevens
In R, -- lm fits ordinary least squares linear models; this is likely to be what you want if you were using PROC GLM. -- glm fits generalized linear models (e.g. logit, Poisson, Gaussian, etc.). -- lmer and lme fit mixed models, similar to PROC MIXED Cheers, Hank On Jan 5, 2007, at 10:05 AM,