Petr Pikal escribió:
> Hi
> when working with lists, considerable option is to look on lapply, 
> sapply, mapply or other *apply functions. If I am not mistaken you 
> can do
> ttt<-lapply(lasker, function(x) 
> data.frame(table(substr(names(subset(x, x >=4)), 1, 7))))
> to get a list with desired output.
> Petr

Dear Petr,

It works great!!

Many Thanks,


> On 23 Nov 2006 at 21:06, antonio rodriguez wrote:
> Date sent:            Thu, 23 Nov 2006 21:06:18 +0100
> From:                 antonio rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:                   R-Help <>
> Subject:              [R] how to loop this?
>> Hi,
>> I have the next procedure:
>> t1<-data.frame(table(substr(names(subset(lasker[[1]], lasker[[1]] >=
>> 4)), 1, 7)))
>> t1[1:5,]
>>          Var1 Freq
>> 1 1988-02    3
>> 2 1988-03    1
>> 3 1988-04    1
>> 4 1988-05    2
>> 5 1988-06    3
>> How to make a new list?, dataframe? having 189 elements in the
>> 'lasker' list:
>>  > str(lasker[[1]])
>>  'table' int [, 1:1274] 1 1 3 2 1 5 4 1 1 4 ...
>>  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
>>   ..$ : chr [1:1274] "1988-01-13" "1988-01-16" "1988-01-20"
>>   "1988-01-25" ...
>> .
>> .
>>  > str(lasker[[189]])
>>  'table' int [, 1:464] 1 1 4 1 4 4 6 2 3 3 ...
>>  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
>>   ..$ : chr [1:464] "1999-07-21" "1999-07-23" "1999-07-25"
>>   "1999-07-31" ...
>> I've tried:
>> windows<-vector("list",189)
>> for (i in 1:189){
>> windows[[i]]<-data.frame(table(substr(names(subset(lasker[[i]], 
>> lasker[[i]] >= 4)), 1, 7)))
>> }
>> Erro en,, nx)), orep) :
>>         invalid number of copies in
>> I think this is due because each new element (like t1) has 2 columns.
>> But what kind of structure is needed to accomodate the new elements?
>> Thanks
>> Antonio

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