Hai Lin wrote:
Hello R experts:
When I tried to read my data into R, it does not take
# sign
A subset of Exp.txt is:
Experiment name assay id Varname
(A1)DBA TPA 6h/DBA Acetone rep1(A1) #3 4090A90C1
(A2)DBA TPA 6h/DBA Acetone rep2(A2) #3 4091A91C1
The command is:
Exp <-
Hello R experts:
When I tried to read my data into R, it does not take
# sign
A subset of Exp.txt is:
Experiment name assay id Varname
(A1)DBA TPA 6h/DBA Acetone rep1(A1) #3 4090A90C1
(A2)DBA TPA 6h/DBA Acetone rep2(A2) #3 4091A91C1
The command is:
Exp <- read.delim2("Exp.tx