Re: [R] spdep question

2004-05-04 Thread Roger Bivand
On Tue, 4 May 2004, Christian Hennig wrote: > Dear list, > > (also sent to Roger Bivand, but perhaps somebody of you can help me also) > > I am trying to use package spdep for fitting an SAR model with errorsarlm. > However, I am not sure how to make a valid nb object out of my > neighborhood. A

[R] spdep question

2004-05-04 Thread Christian Hennig
Dear list, (also sent to Roger Bivand, but perhaps somebody of you can help me also) I am trying to use package spdep for fitting an SAR model with errorsarlm. However, I am not sure how to make a valid nb object out of my neighborhood. As far as I have seen, there is no documentation for nb.obje

[R] spdep error message

2003-08-14 Thread rnaidoo
Hello, I have been using the package "spdep" to run spatial regressions on a data set with about 2500 observations. It has performed well up until now, but the following code resulted in an error: > load("Panel.90s.ok.R") > attach(Panel.90s.ok) > neighs<-dnearneigh(cbind(x,y),0,5) > he

[R] spdep

2003-07-11 Thread Mark Piorecky
Hi everyone, The Spatial Dependence (spdep) library, has a function called 'dnearneigh', which identifies neighbours of region points by Euclidean distance between lower (greater than) and upper (less than or equal to) bounds. The function returns a list of integer vectors giving the region id