
I've got several radiobuttons in tcltk with the following sintaxis:

tk2.rd <- /tkradiobutton(/frame4,command=plotDialog1,text="New Q plot", 
value=2, variable=OUTPLOTtclVar/)/

All the buttons call the same function "plotDialog1". With the objective
of call a dialog to select some plotting options.

When I select one of the radiobuttons and the windows with the plotting
options appears. It appears blank, and I obtain this message of error in R:

> Error in structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk"),
class = "             tclObj") :
        [tcl] grab failed: window not viewable.

All radio buttons are within a frame in a window named "dlg". I've
removed nearly everything in this function and I still obtain the same
error when clicking on a radiobutton.
Even with this very simple remaining code:

    plotDialog1 <- function/()/ {
      mddlg2 <- /tktoplevel()/
      tkwm./title(/mddlg2,"Plot options"/)/

      onNO <- function/()/
//      NO.but  <- /tkbutton(/mddlg2,text=" Cancel ",command=onNO/)/

Please for those who are used to utilize the tcltk library: ¿Can you see a 
clear error in this?
I'm new to this library and tcltk and I'm unable to find out the error.

Thanks and best regards,


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