I see this error on the CRAN Check report
> ### ** Examples
> #Definitive Screening Design
> library(daewr)
> set.seed(1234)
> x <- DefScreen(m=5,c=0)
> colnames(x) <- paste("x",1:5,sep="")
> x$y <- 3*x$x1 + 2*x$x2 + 2*x$x4*x$x5 + x$x3^2 + 2*x$x1^2 + rnorm(nrow(x),0,1)
> (z <- HierAFS(x$y,x[,-6]
I think you want file.path(). you can use that to make a directory that
includes a path to it.
See ?file.path for more details. Then, you can do something like
mydir ,- file.path(whatever)1, whatever2).
but mydir needs to exist before you do that so check existence first using
Hi All,
I am updating my R package that is currently on CRAN.
I am looking to have my main package function iterate through some files in
a directory, but am having some issues. In my function, I do the following
(I might switch to 'replicate()' instead since non-preallocated for loops
can be ve