On Sun, 28 Jun 2020 12:43:53 +0200
Lisa GM wrote:
> "sum_c" not resolved from current namespace (sum)
As mentioned by Dirk Eddelbuettel, this is not the way R packages are
supposed to be built [*], but if you are absolutely positive you cannot
build the DLL from source together with the package
Hi Lisa,
On 28 June 2020 at 20:32, Lisa GM wrote:
| Thank you so much for your quick reply. I'm not particularly set on the
| 'inline' package especially if it's becoming outdated. I looked into using
Please report bugs or shortcomings in an issue ticket at GitHub. I am also
its maintainer and
It's easier to install a package from CRAN than from Github, but not all
that much easier. If it's too much trouble to satisfy CRAN, then don't
bother. Just post instructions on how to do a Github install of it and
move on to other things. (I'd post those instructions in a README.md
file on
Data are not copyrightable. As long as you do not use the exact phrases from
the book you should be okay. But if you don't agree, then you should not
proceed, and complaining here is not going to fix this.
On June 28, 2020 11:22:41 AM PDT, Charles Geyer wrote:
>That's where the copyright violat
Dear Dirk,
Thank you so much for your quick reply. I'm not particularly set on the
'inline' package especially if it's becoming outdated. I looked into using
Rcpp but I couldn't figure out how to compile my c++ code outside of the
package and only include the DLL. My problem is that I cannot publi
That's where the copyright violation comes in. Copying descriptions from
the book is clear copyright violation unless it is so minimal as to be
"fair use" and I have no idea where that line is. Even Alan may not be
free to add such descriptions. I have no idea what his contract with Wiley
That's a good idea about adding some licence info to the web page, but note
that Agresti is not the original source of any of this data. Some of it
was published in subject matter papers by the scientists involved. For
some perhaps (I don't know) Alan got the whole data set via consulting and
Just describe the nature of the data sets literally as though the book was
inaccessible. They are not asking you to describe how one should analyze the
the data, so there really shouldn't be any conflict with the book content that
your agreement with the author has not already resolved.
If you
The folks at CRAN try hard to serve everyone, but sometimes they wind up
making up rules as they go along. I'd add another sentence or two about
the data, perhaps with an eye towards the wide world of "citizen data
scientists" who don't know about Alan's book. Then resubmit the package
On Sun, 28 Jun 2020 11:07:46 -0500
Charles Geyer wrote:
>Please note that I made Alan Agresti (with his acquiescence) the
>author of the package
Sorry to derail this, but is it possible for Alan Agresti to add a line
to the page [*] allowing redistribution of the data, preferably under
the terms
CRAN did not just ask for an expanded Description field. They instructed
"Tell the users what the datasets are about and what they contain so they
can use them even when they haven't read your book". AFAIK no CRAN package
that goes with a book satisfies that.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 12:52 PM Max
The link to Alan's web site is on every help page (in the source section).
That's where the source is supposed to be.
I have no problem with adding the source to the DESCRIPTION file, but that
is not what CRAN asked me to do.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 12:16 PM Max Turgeon
> For what it's w
Fair enough. But CRAN is clearly asking for a more detailed Description field.
I simply offered one suggestion for expanding it. Keep in mind that users will
typically see the DESCRIPTION file first, and not the help pages.
Max Turgeon
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Department of
As I said in my original post, I have asked Alan Agresti and he agreed.
There is no problem about authorship.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 12:12 PM Hugh Parsonage
> If you’re not the author of the data, you can’t submit it as such. The
> website has a copyright message on it which, while not d
Sorry, I misread your code. There is a possible array overrun, so we need
argument n and p, apparently. A likely better version, and demo running the
right code are below. The rest of the reasoning likely stands, methinks.
For what it's worth, I'd be inclined to interpreting CRAN's response *very*
literally, i.e. your Description field is not descriptive enough. According to
what I can see in the Github repo, you only have
"Datasets used in the book Categorical Data Analysis by Agresti but not printed
in the boo
If you’re not the author of the data, you can’t submit it as such. The
website has a copyright message on it which, while not definitive, doesn’t
suggest the use you’re proposing would be allowed.
Bear in mind that you may expose CRAN not just yourself to liability if you
try to conceal true autho
One can do what you do, but it is fraught with some difficulties (as you
experienced) and even more so once you try to do this portably. Helper
packages exists: the `inline` package is the oldest of this class and still
supports the .C() interface you used here. And which for a few years n
Actually the wooldridge package does not seem to satisfy any of the
specific requests CRAN asked me for. I have checked several other CRAN
packages for textbooks and they don't seem to satisfy those requirements
either. So this seems to be a new idea from CRAN.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 11:32 AM N
I'm not sure exactly what cran is asking for, but the wooldridge
package is a good example of a text book data set package, so maybe
you can use the same format they did.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 9:08 AM Charles Geyer wrot
I have a package that has the datasets for Categorical Data Analysis by
Agresti that do not appear in the book. The whole package is a github repo
https://github.com/cjgeyer/CatDataAnalysis. All of the data were
translated mechanically using the R script foo.R included in the repo (but
not in the
I would like to create an R package that calls a DLL (in my case a .dylib)
which is already compiled. If I load and then call the DLL in a regular .R
file it works fine but when I try to add the DLL to the package it doesn't
work anymore. I'm using devtools and roxygen2 to update and compile t
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