Hi all,
I submitted the first release of adbcpostgresql (an R repackaging of
ADBC's Postgres driver) about a month ago and it has been pending human
inspection (I think) since then. I did reply-all to the email once to
inquire about status but haven't heard back. Where is the best place to
On Tue, 3 Oct 2023 14:52:26 -0700
Vinh Nguyen wrote:
> Could not fetch
> https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52281215570_5f9cc90a12_o.png
This is Pandoc failing to bundle external resources from the final
Markdown file, not your R code.
> Error: processing vignette
> 'Ex-04-Webscraping-Onl
Dear members of R-package-devel,
CRAN has the following policy: Packages which use Internet resources
should fail gracefully with an informative message if the resource is
not available or has changed (and not give a check warning nor error).
I have a CRAN-accepted package with vignettes that use