These *.mod files are automatically created during compilation whenever 
there is a module in the corresponding source file. They should not be 
in the src folder of your package when you submit it to CRAN, but they 
should not be a problem when they get created in this folder during 

Try to add the following line in .Rbuildignore (if this file does not 
exist, create it in the main directory of your package):


This will prevent R from including any *.mod files when building your 

I hope this is helpful.



On 2/26/19 10:00 PM, wrote:
> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 17:13:51 +0100
> From: "Rampal S. Etienne"<>
> Subject: [R-pkg-devel] problems with .mod files
> Message-ID:<>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello,
> I have been trying for weeks to get a package on CRAN, but keep
> receiving warnings and notes, and errors using R-hub. The problems
> started when I used FORTRAN code to speed up some functions. This
> FORTRAN code introduces .mod files which are not accepted in the src
> folder. I followed suggestions by Avraham Adler to clean the src folder
> from this file by introducing a makefile with a clean command in it, but
> then I get other errors, and above all, recently this solution did not
> seem to remove the .mod file on some systems, as I still got the warning
> that this file was found in the src folder (but not on my machine!).
> So my question is: how do I prevent the creation of .mod files during
> compilation of the FORTRAN code, or how do I tell R that these files are
> OK in the src folder?
> Regards,
> Rampal Etienne

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