It looks to me that there must be a missing value in your date vector.
It's reproducible with a simple example modified from ?as.ltraj:
## Create an object of class "ltraj"
cap <- as.ltraj(xy = capreochiz[,c("x","y")], date =
c(capreochiz$date[-nrow(capreochiz)], NA),
Hi Folks,
Im having some trouble with creating ltraj objects from
irregular GPS data. I run the same code on two different csv files with
identical columns, number formats etc but get two different results. The only
difference between these files are the values of lat/lon and
Dear all,
I am curious, how would I find out the exact equation used by the AICcmodavg
package in R for calculating AICc with lme models? I understand what the AICc
equation is from Burnham and Anderson (2002), but I am unsure as to how the
package deals with the number of observations within l
There are 8 remaining seats on the following course:
Introduction to linear mixed effects modelling and GLMM course.
Where: Banff, Canada
When: 27-31 May, 2013
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Kind reg
There have been a lot of similar queries (e.g., repeated measures, nested
permanova). Jari can correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, no
one has developed a way to define multiple error terms in adonis.
You can use adonis, however, to get the split-plot effects. If you want to
On 04/02/2013, at 09:14 AM, Erin Nuccio wrote:
> Is adonis capable of modeling random effects?
No, adonis does not know random effects.
The significance tests in adonis() are based on permutations. The key question
for random effects is: "can you design a permutation matrix that treats so
Thank you very much for clarifying this point. My algorithm is certainly pretty
bad because as you say I am basically looking at zeros. One point I don't
understand is that for a pollen type I have a lot of pollen collected at date
1, some at time 2, few at time 3 and not at all at time
I tried to use tweedie and it again worked very well for the most abundant
pollen types and when trying to fit the less abundant ones I got the error:
algorithm did not converge".
I have the impress that it is hopeless to try fitting a model...But anyway
thank you very much for making