Hi Listers,

I am after some help with finding/creating a splitting criterion to deal
with zero-inflated count data in a regression tree analysis. The rpart
function only has method='poisson' which doesn't deal with excess zeroes.

I found a paper by Lee and Jin (2006) Decision tree approaches for
zero-inflated count data. Journal of Applied Statistics Vol. 33 (8)

which offers a solution using zero-inflated Poisson likelihood but I would
not know how to code this into rpart.

Any help/advice appreciated.


Andrew Halford Ph.D
Research Scientist (Kimberley Marine Parks)
Dept. Parks and Wildlife
Western Australia

Ph: +61 8 9219 9795
Mobile: +61 (0) 468 419 473

Andrew Halford Ph.D
Research Scientist (Kimberley Marine Parks)
Dept. Parks and Wildlife
Western Australia

Ph: +61 8 9219 9795
Mobile: +61 (0) 468 419 473

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