[R-sig-eco] (no subject)

2009-09-15 Thread v_coudrain
Hello, I would like to post a message, but I was wondering if I had to subscribe first? Here is my message: II performed over the seanson a census of butterflies on 8 sites . I have for each date un number of individuals and of species. I would like to know which function I could use to test if s

[R-sig-eco] Difference between mantel test and adonis

2013-01-15 Thread v_coudrain
Dear sig-eco users, I would like to investigate the changes in a species community along an ecological gradient. I first thought about performing a Mantel test and infer if differences in species composition are related to differences in the ecological gradient. I noticed that the function ado

Re: [R-sig-eco] Difference between mantel test and adonis

2013-01-15 Thread v_coudrain
Dear Martin, Tank you very much. I thought about constrained ordination, but the distance matrix I am using is not among the "usual" (Euclidian, Bray-Curtis,...). An option would be to use distance-based RDA, which is almost the same as adonis, but I read that adonis should be even better (?)

Re: [R-sig-eco] Difference between mantel test and adonis

2013-01-16 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you very much for your explanations. So if I understood it correctly, a significant outcome from adonis() (or capscale()) should indicate me that my species community changes along the gradient? Nice that you also mention betadisper, because I'd like also to look at variation in species co

[R-sig-eco] proportion data with many zeros

2013-02-01 Thread v_coudrain
Dear all, I am trying to test how the proportion of pollen of different plants found in the brood cells of a wild bee changes over time. I conducted 4 sampling sessions (thus time is a factor with 4 levels) and collected several pollen samples for each time point (300 pollen grains counted for

Re: [R-sig-eco] proportion data with many zeros

2013-02-01 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you very much for this suggestion. In fact I reconsidered my question and I am not sure that zero-inflated model is what I need. If I understood it properly, a zero-inflated model is best suited when we don't know if zero values are true or false absences (right?). In my case all zero val

[R-sig-eco] adonis and negative F-values

2013-02-03 Thread v_coudrain
Dear all, I used adonis to perform a test of the pairwise site dissimilarity indices proposed by Baselga (2010, 2012) in the package betapart. I am concerned about my results because I get some negative F-values. I read in another post that this may happen because of the presence of negative ei

Re: [R-sig-eco] proportion data with many zeros

2013-02-03 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you Liz, I don't know tweedie, I'll have a look at it, but I have indeed some high values. I know about the problems linked to the arcsine transformation. I won't consider it anyway. I'd like to use either the raw values of pollen grain counts or a logistic quasibinomial model. Best, Va

Re: [R-sig-eco] proportion data with many zeros

2013-02-03 Thread v_coudrain
Liz writes: > Hi Valerie, > The best advice I was ever given with regards to distribution was to choose > the one with the best fit i.e. no pattern in the residuals. > The 2 things to think about when fitting a GLM are the type of data you've > collected (binomial, counts etc) so that you can get

Re: [R-sig-eco] proportion data with many zeros

2013-02-04 Thread v_coudrain
I tried to use tweedie and it again worked very well for the most abundant pollen types and when trying to fit the less abundant ones I got the error: "glm.fit: algorithm did not converge". I have the impress that it is hopeless to try fitting a model...But anyway thank you very much for making

Re: [R-sig-eco] proportion data with many zeros

2013-02-04 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you very much for clarifying this point. My algorithm is certainly pretty bad because as you say I am basically looking at zeros. One point I don't really understand is that for a pollen type I have a lot of pollen collected at date 1, some at time 2, few at time 3 and not at all at time

[R-sig-eco] binomial regression with non integers

2013-02-15 Thread v_coudrain
Dear all, I am investigating diversity in different sites. I partitioned my measure of diversity into to additive components (Baselga 2012) and get for each site a value of overal diversity change (between 0 and 1) and a value for each additive component, such that for each site beta1+beta2=be

[R-sig-eco] binomial regression with non integers

2013-02-16 Thread v_coudrain
Dear Pierre, Thank you very much for your answer. In fact I would like to make two different analyses: one spatial and one temporal. For the spatial analysis, I will compute the dissimilarities in the way you suggested it, using beta.pair and dbRDA. For temporal analysis of beta diversity betw

[R-sig-eco] adonis and temporal changes

2013-02-18 Thread v_coudrain
Dear all, I would like to test changes in species dissimilarity matrices over time, taking into account that the measurement are repeated in each site over years. I used the adonis function: adonis(diss.matrix~year, strata=site). However if I do the same model entering site as an additional fi

[R-sig-eco] (no subject)

2013-02-18 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you for these explanations. If I put strata=site, this means that for each site my dissimilarity matrix of year 1 and year 2 will be permuted and the observed changes compared to these random permutation? Adding site as a fixed factor then ensure that I am testing changes in time site by

[R-sig-eco] adonis and temporal changes

2013-02-18 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you for these explanations. If I put strata=site, this means that for each site my dissimilarity matrix of year 1 and year 2 will be permuted and the observed changes compared to these random permutation? Adding site as a fixed factor then ensure that I am testing changes in time site by

Re: [R-sig-eco] adonis and temporal changes

2013-02-18 Thread v_coudrain
Dear Steve, Thank you very much. I do not exactly understand why the test for isolation will be wrong, would you have some some explanation? In a linear regression, you cannot assess the effect of single variable if the interaction (in which your variable is part) is significant. So if I get a

Re: [R-sig-eco] adonis and temporal changes

2013-02-18 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you very much for your explanations. I still would have a question about the proportion explained. I got for example an R2 of 0.11 for years*isolation and 0.46 for site. Does this mean that most of the variation in species composition is between sites and within site variation (also from

[R-sig-eco] dispersion parameter in binomial model

2013-02-27 Thread v_coudrain
Dear all, I computed a binomial model with a proportion as response variable using glm(cbind(realized, not realized)~x,family="binomial"). The output tells me that the dispersion parameter taken is 1. For comparison I computed the same model using family="quasibinomial" and I get a dispersion p

[R-sig-eco] null model for testing nestedness

2013-09-24 Thread v_coudrain
Dear all, I would like to implement a null model to test if nestedness of a matrix departs from chance. There is an example in package "bipartite" with the function "nullmodel": obs <- unlist(networklevel(web, index="weighted NODF")) nulls <- nullmodel(web, N=100, method=1) null <- unlist(sappl

[R-sig-eco] null model for testing nestedness

2013-09-25 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you very much. Yes it is working with oecosimu, exept that it does not seem to work for weighted data. There is the possibility to specify "weighted = TRUE": oecosimu(matrix,nestednodf, method = "quasiswap", nsimul = 999, order = FALSE, weighted =TRUE) However, I get only null values an

[R-sig-eco] null model for testing nestedness

2013-09-25 Thread v_coudrain
Dear Jari, Thank you very much for this clear answer. I did not get that quasiswap only concerned binary data. After reading your explanations, I think I'll stay to binary data and avoid the issue of weighted ones, which are much less straightforward to interpret. Anyway, I will have a look at

[R-sig-eco] Unbalanced data and random effects

2013-10-16 Thread v_coudrain
Dear all, I performed a census of insects at different sites and measured there size. I would like to know if size is related to an environmental factor. I modelled the size as a fonction of the factor with site as a random variable to account for within-site variability. However I have strong

[R-sig-eco] Unbalanced data and random effects

2013-10-17 Thread v_coudrain
Thank you very much for these explanations. It is quite technical and I am not sure that I got it all, but I will try to find the book of Gelman&Hill to get more insight into shrinkage. I read the book of Zuur and as you said the topic is not extensively covered. __