[R-sig-Geo] writeRaster and Landsat 8 OLI 16bit unsigned data

2013-08-14 Thread pecardoso
I'm not being able to export Landsat8 (16bit: 0-65535) TIF to IDRISI .RST files with writeRaster(). IDRISI (Taiga) fail to read .RST files resulting from writeRaster(). First thing, which may be a typing error from raster help, is that from ?dataType one can read that INT2U range is 0-65534 and

[R-sig-Geo] Using the ENFA from adehabitatHS in R with sp classes

2013-08-14 Thread alannie
Hi folks! I have been having significant difficulty using the sp classes to perform the ENFA in R. The objective of this posting is to inquire about how to prepare data for the ENFA, which in previous versions of the software package adehabitat was carried out via 'data2enfa' and the 'dudi.pca'

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Using the ENFA from adehabitatHS in R with sp classes

2013-08-14 Thread Mathieu Basille
Dear Alannie, Obviously all these datas are confusing :) The 'enfa' example uses a dataset call 'lynxjura' (not 'data'), which is a list with several elements. One of these elements is the maps, with the name 'map' (singular!). This is what you want to achieve. This is simply a

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Using the ENFA from adehabitatHS in R with sp classes

2013-08-14 Thread AGG18
Dear Mathieu, Thank you for the assistance. Upon executing the situation where I take the material of 'join' to replace 'map' I receive an error: join- cbind(bio1@data, bio2@data, bio3@data, bio4@data, bio5@data, bio6@data, bio7@data) tab - slot(join, data) Error in slot(join, data) : no

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Using the ENFA from adehabitatHS in R with sp classes

2013-08-14 Thread Mathieu Basille
Sorry I didn't spot that one before... Please try: join- cbind(bio1, bio2, bio3, bio4, bio5, bio6, bio7) and check the class and data: summary(join) You want this to be of class SpatialGridDataFrame (or SpatialPixelsDataFrame), so you want to keep the spatial attributes together with the

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Using the ENFA from adehabitatHS in R with sp classes

2013-08-14 Thread alannie
Dear Mathieu, The join/cbind/@data is wonderful! However, if I try to join the location data as a data.frame or sp class it does not work. What would be the solution to this portion of the equation? In other words, how to I add locations to the formula? Thank you a million * ∞ ! Alannie

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Using the ENFA from adehabitatHS in R with sp classes

2013-08-14 Thread Mathieu Basille
Not sure where your problem is. If you have the SpatialPixelsDataFrame and the SpatialPoints, did you try to go on like in the example? tab - slot(map, data) pr - slot(count.points(locs, map), data)[,1] pc - dudi.pca(tab, scannf = FALSE) (enfa1 - enfa(pc, pr, scannf = FALSE, nf = 3)) etc.,

[R-sig-Geo] Fwd: Thin-plate splines question

2013-08-14 Thread Dominic Roye
Greetings, R helpers, I have been using the Tps() function in the fields package to model response surfaces for some residuals data. But i don´t know how i can get more resolution and fill all the shape area? I hope someone can help me. Thank you, Dominic outresi -

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Fwd: Thin-plate splines question

2013-08-14 Thread Pascal Oettli
Hello, Your reproducible example is not reproducible. ana only have 2 columns. Regards, Pascal 2013/8/15 Dominic Roye dominic.r...@usc.es Greetings, R helpers, I have been using the Tps() function in the fields package to model response surfaces for some residuals data. But i don´t

[R-sig-Geo] out-of-bounds error

2013-08-14 Thread Hodgess, Erin
Hello Geo-Rs! I'm using the latest version of gstat and spacetime. I'm trying to fit a variogramST, but I get the following: city1b.st - STFDF(sp=tempb,time=liltime,data=data.frame(index=city1b.df$index)) str(city1b.st) Formal class 'STFDF' [package spacetime] with 4 slots ..@ data