Re: [R-sig-Geo] ggmap::fortify()

2013-12-10 Thread Agustin Lobo
Thanks. The example with an spatial polygons DF in p. 159 of works nicely. Instead, fortify() refuses processing spatial poins or pixels DF with an error: Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class

Re: [R-sig-Geo] ggmap::fortify()

2013-12-10 Thread Edzer Pebesma
On 12/10/2013 09:38 AM, Agustin Lobo wrote: Thanks. The example with an spatial polygons DF in p. 159 of works nicely. Instead, fortify() refuses processing spatial poins or pixels DF with an error: Error: ggplot2 doesn't

Re: [R-sig-Geo] image background for spplot of gridded data

2013-12-10 Thread Agustin Lobo
and would it possible a similar plot using contourplot() (or levelplot()) overlaid on a gmap? I've tried the equivalent to the stamen.R function that you refer to: contourplot(rinvmod2goog,zscaleLog=TRUE,,colorkey=myColorkey,margin=FALSE,add=TRUE) +

Re: [R-sig-Geo] image background for spplot of gridded data

2013-12-10 Thread Oscar Perpiñan
It works for me using rinvmod2lonlat (long-lat coordinates). Oscar. - Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro Grupo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos (IES-UPM) Dpto. Ingeniería Eléctrica (ETSIDI-UPM) URL: Twitter:

Re: [R-sig-Geo] contours in SpatialPixelsDataFrame

2013-12-10 Thread Oscar Perpiñan
Hi, spplot for SpatialPixelsDataFrame is built upon lattice::levelplot. Thus, you can use most of its arguments in spplot. For your problem you have to set contour=TRUE and region=FALSE. Moreover, you can customize the labels with (surprise!) labels. This is documented in the help page of

Re: [R-sig-Geo] image background for spplot of gridded data

2013-12-10 Thread Agustin Lobo
Yes, it does for me as well: I had messed with the parameters of the map in the original function. Here I've made a page showing what I do and what I get: Is it possible doing the reverse, overlaying the contour on top of the map

Re: [R-sig-Geo] image background for spplot of gridded data

2013-12-10 Thread Oscar Perpiñan
Try this: rinvmod2Ext - extend(rinvmod2lonlat, with(bbMap2, c(ll.lon, ur.lon,, contourplot(rinvmod2Ext, zscaleLog=TRUE, margin=FALSE) + layer(grid.raster(gmap2, x=lonCenter2, y=latCenter2, width=width2,

Re: [R-sig-Geo] image background for spplot of gridded data

2013-12-10 Thread Agustin Lobo
Yes! I also noticed that making a custom box for the plot is not straightforward because the user cannot set the box in get_map. I've managed to do it using the extend() trick. html updated Thanks! Agus On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at

Re: [R-sig-Geo] contours in SpatialPixelsDataFrame

2013-12-10 Thread Agus Camacho
Maybe too obvious to be useful, but have you tried using the akima package for plotting your variable? It only needs the coordinates and the value of your variable: require(akima) data(akima) ## linear interpolation - interp(akima$x, akima$y, akima$z) image

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Error in .gd_SetProject(transient, crs(r))

2013-12-10 Thread Etienne B. Racine
I have the same problem: saving an unprojected raster as a .tif raises an error. To complete what Guillaume said: library(raster) # Fail : writeRaster(raster(matrix(1, 1, 1)), filename = test.tif) # But, writeRaster(raster(matrix(1, 1, 1)), filename = test.grd) # And r = raster() values(r) = 1

[R-sig-Geo] Problems with getting less than 100% home range area by CharHull{adehabitatHR}

2013-12-10 Thread Simon Wohlfahrt
Hello, I want to construct home ranges by the CharHull-function in adehabitatHR (CharHull {adehabitatHR} - Estimation of the Home Range by Delaunay Triangulation method). The Description says that I could select a given percentage of the smallest triangles (measured by their area) as the

[R-sig-Geo] clipping SpatialPolygonsDataFrames

2013-12-10 Thread Anthony Fischbach
I wish to clip SpatialPolygonsDataFrames with a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and return a SpatialPolygonsDataFrames with new clipped boundaries and with data from the source SpatialPolygonsDataFrames. [The ArcGIS equivalent is:

Re: [R-sig-Geo] clipping SpatialPolygonsDataFrames

2013-12-10 Thread Tom Philippi
Tony-- rgeos::gIntersection() can do what you want. I use it often to clip vegetation map SpatialPolygonsDataFrames by park boundaries, retaining the attributes of the veg map polygons. Tips: byid=c(TRUE,FALSE) retains the polygon ids of the first SpatialPolygonsDataFrame in the returned

Re: [R-sig-Geo] clipping SpatialPolygonsDataFrames

2013-12-10 Thread Anthony Fischbach
Thank you Tom! I tried the rgeos::gIntersection() approach on a quad dual core Windows 7 workstation, but found that it choked on a TopologyException after running for over 10 minutes. The raster approach to the problem produced a clean result in 77 seconds, requiring under a single day of

Re: [R-sig-Geo] contours in SpatialPixelsDataFrame

2013-12-10 Thread Agustin Lobo
Thanks Agus Camacho, but this is essentially what I was doing: create a raster (an image is a raster) out of the points and then use contour() or the more sophisticated rasterVis::contourplot or levelplot. In this particular case the raster can be created with no interpolation, as the points are