Dear List,

This is rather a theoretical question, but I was wondering if someone on the 
list can help me out. 
I have a dataset where at each spatial location I have a binary sequence of 
character presence/absence, so, for example at location A, I might have spatial 
coordinates xA=2390 and yA=1200, and a binary vector cA=c(0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0). I'm 
interested on evaluating the spatial structure of the binary vectors. The 
traditional approach would be the mantel test, where I compare the spatial 
distance matrix against the a binary distance matrix (e.g. Jaccard distance 
matrix), and I obtain a p-value through permutation. That will give me the 
correlation, but it won't give me structural properties that I'm interested in, 
namely sill and range. The mantel correlogram would give me something similar, 
but what I really would like to do is to fit a variogram model. Given that that 
the empirical variogram is half the euclidean distance between values at two 
points, can I use half the Jaccard distance 
( instead?  

Many Thanks,
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