[R-sig-Geo] Sirad for hourly extraterrestrial solar radiation

2019-02-13 Thread Michele Fiori
pecific hours, but when I calculate $ExtraTerrestrialSolarRadiationHorly I obtain the whole set of 24 values for each grid point, ma question is .. how can I extract and plot only specific hourly values, for example maximum values (12 o' clock)? Thank you Regards, Michele Michele Fiori AR

[R-sig-Geo] R: gstat cross validation for accuracy ordinary kriging vs IDW

2014-05-22 Thread Michele Fiori
Hi Moshood, I think you can do this way Ordinary kriging to create kriging prediction orkrig - krige(yield ~ 1, canmod.sp, newdata = grid, model=exp.mod,nmax=20) OrdKrigecv - Krige.cv(yield ~ 1, canmod.sp, model=exp.mod,nmax=20) RMSE.ok -

[R-sig-Geo] R: Regression Kriging cross validation

2014-05-15 Thread Michele Fiori
. Best regards, Rubén. El 29/04/2014 13:33, Michele Fiori escribió: Hi everyone, I am working on rainfall interpolation using regression kriging method and I need suggestions on how I can carry out a cross validation (leave-one-out) for this elaboration. At first I tried

[R-sig-Geo] Regression Kriging cross validation

2014-04-29 Thread Michele Fiori
, or is there another different method to apply cross validation (leave-one-out) on Regression Kriging interpolation? Below my code: Many thanks Michele Fiori ARPAS - Environmental Protection Agency of Sardinia MeteoClimatic Department - Meteorological Service Viale Porto Torres 119 - 07100 Sassari