Re: [R-sig-Geo] spatialpoints: each dot represents 100 individuals?

2016-04-27 Thread rubenfcasal
Alternatively, you might also consider data binning (implemented in several packages: KernSmooth, ks, sm, npsp ,...). This technique is commonly used in nonparametric statistics to reduce the computational time (see e.g. Wand, M. P. (1994), Fast Computation of Multivariate Kernel Estimators,

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Ordinary kriging variance of the prediction with error structure

2016-02-05 Thread rubenfcasal
Kriging the noiseless version of Y is not �the solution of the (standard) kriging system with a nugget effect in the Covariance structure� (the semivariances/variogram at lag 0 may not be zero). See e.g. Cressie, 1993, p. 128 (for instance, eq. 3.2.27 shows the correct expression of the kriging

Re: [R-sig-Geo] gstat::krige() - regression kriging vs. kriging with external drift

2015-12-04 Thread rubenfcasal
As I am interested in the topic, I find those comments very useful and I also want to share my thoughts… From my point of view UK (Universal Kriging) is a particular case of RK (Regression kriging), UK assumes a linear trend (where spatial coordinates could be used as explanatory variables) .

Re: [R-sig-Geo] variogram problem

2015-06-25 Thread rubenfcasal
Hi Adeela, This is the the data set and want to make variogram for Cd15. Start with an exploratory analysis of the data. For example, using the geoR package: lyallpur - read.csv('lyallpur.csv') library(geoR) datgeo - as.geodata(lyallpur, coords.col = 2:3, data.col = lyallpur$Cd15) #

Re: [R-sig-Geo] bootstrapping linear model and residuals kriging by RSAGA

2014-12-10 Thread rubenfcasal
Hi Vasya, You have to take into account, when doing bootstrap, that you are dealing with dependent data. Standard bootstrap will destroy this dependence, so you should use alternatives such as some kind of block bootstrap (see e.g. Politis and Romano, 1994. The stationary bootstrap.

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Automate the extraction of climate variable at different time depths from netcdf in r

2014-09-08 Thread rubenfcasal
Hello, I use the attached script to extract climate data from the OISST sea surface temperature netCDF This script is a slight modification of one written by Luke Miller (downloaded from his web page, some years ago... ) to convert the

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Regression Kriging cross validation

2014-04-29 Thread rubenfcasal
Hello Michele, Universal kriging is equivalent to Linear Regression (with the generalized-least-squaresestimator) + Simple Kriging of residuals (e.g. Cressie, 1993, section 3.4.5). The differences you observe are probably due to the use of ordinary least squares. If you use