Re: [R-sig-Geo] Re : Ecological Niche Factor Analysis

2014-05-30 Thread alannie
Oh, on that last part with the conversion, I actually used coordsp<-SpatialPoints(corysp, proj4string=CRS"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")) , bbox = NULL) Sorry for that mistake. Either way, it does not work. > Thanks Mathieu! > > This has gone very well so far, but I cannot seem to get the XY loca

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Re : Ecological Niche Factor Analysis

2014-05-30 Thread alannie
Thanks Mathieu! This has gone very well so far, but I cannot seem to get the XY location data and the bioclim maps in the same proj4string. CODE: pr <- slot(count.points(corysp, bio), "data")[,1] Error in count.points(corysp, bio) : different proj4string in w and xy This seems strange since ever