gianni lavaredo <> wrote on R-sig-geo:

 I wish to convert a really complex  "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" to owin using

 MyMask<- readOGR(".", "Mask")
 MyMask.owin<- as(MyMask, "owin")

 but I get this error massage in the end

 Errore in matrix(FALSE, npoly, npoly) : too many elements specified

This error is flagged by the package 'spatstat' which is attempting to check 
whether any pair of polygons is overlapping. Apparently there are so many 
polygons ('npoly') that the system can't create a logical matrix of size npoly 
* npoly. That is indeed a lot of polygons (e.g. my laptop will accept npoly = 

To avoid this error, you could try setting


which will simply turn off the checking. Do this if you are confident that the 
polygons do not overlap.

Good luck!
Adrian Baddeley

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