Thanks for the the info!

if you look at the ftp the tilesV for h10 are going up to I have
to inplement a handling fot this!
I'll look for it tomorrow (I'll try to fix it in version 0.2-11)
If you want to run it in the mean time do it row by row or col by col

thanks, Matteo

>>> Thiago Veloso  27.10.11 21.35 Uhr >>>

  Thanks for the tip. The problem was in my connection. After probing
the ftp again, behind a proxy, all the contents were shown (including
hdf and xml files). I reported it to the IT guys and everything is fine
  However, I received an error after trying to reproduce your

> library(getMODIS)
Loading required package: RCurl
Loading required package: bitops
Loading required package: audio
No Collection spezified used the newest for MOD17A2 : 005 
  (it successfully download tiles V from 7 to 11 inside "first" tile H
(which is 10)). Then, the error message:

  Error in dates[[z]][i, j + 1] <- HDF : replacement has length zero

  I'm running latest R version and updated packages in Mac. Below is my
sessio info:

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base    

other attached packages:
[1] audio_0.1-4    getMODIS_0.2-9 RCurl_1.6-10   bitops_1.0-4.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.13.2

  Any tip on what might be causing this error?

  Best wishes,


--- On Thu, 27/10/11, Matteo Mattiuzzi  wrote:

> From: Matteo Mattiuzzi 
> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] Antw: Re:  MODIS download
> To: "Matteo Mattiuzzi" ,
> Cc: "Babak Naimi" 
> Date: Thursday, 27 October, 2011, 13:41
> Hi, I don't know which files
> (dates/tiles) you are looking for but in:
> there are hdf
> files?
> try run:
> library(getMODIS)
> x <-
> x
> (In ftp folders sometimes there are missing or double hdf
> files (same
> tile/date, other processing dates)...I think they are
> corrected in the
> weekly server maintenance.)
> Note: Scheduled downtime every Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 12
> p.m. Central
> time.
> I hope it helps.
> Matteo
> >>> Thiago Veloso 
> 27.10.2011 15:13 >>>
>   Dear Matteo, dear Barak and dear R-colleagues,
>   I am trying to use the scripts, but I am facing
> troubles to find the
> products I need - LAI (MOD15A2) and GPP (MOD17A2).
>   At the ""; repository,
> subdirectories
> /MOLT/MOD15A2.005/date and /MOLT/MOD17A2.005/date only show
> me .jpg
> files. No HDF images are available.
>   Is there any trick to access the images or am I
> using the wrong url?
>   Thanks in advance and best wishes,
>   Thiago.
> --- On Thu, 27/10/11, Matteo Mattiuzzi 
> wrote:
> > From: Matteo Mattiuzzi 
> > Subject: [R-sig-Geo] MODIS download
> > To:
> > Date: Thursday, 27 October, 2011, 9:37
> > 
> > Dear list, dear Babak
> >  
> > I recently created a package that also downloads
> Modis-grid
> > data. I was
> > waiting for the communication to the list until more
> tests
> > have been
> > absolved. But now test could now be made by
> interested
> > people. The
> > package works slightly different than the script of
> Babak,
> > so I hope
> > that we didn’t do the work totally twice. 
> > The origin of the “getMODIS package is also in
> Hengels
> > (great thanks)
> > code but the capabilities have been enhanced. 
> >  
> > The package has been tested with Linux and Windows 7
> and it
> > the files so probably you have to install it first on
> your
> > machine
> > (thanks Pieter Beck for reminding me that)
> > If you wish to use MRT capabilities you need to
> install it
> > as well (+
> > set the path to MRT!) 
> >  
> > > install.packages("getMODIS", repos="";)
> >  
> > The purpose of teh package is:
> > - to get a local MODIS data archive (so only parts of
> the
> > online pool)
> > by simple subst. Everything what is available locally
> is
> > not downloaded
> > again! The main sub setting information is: Product,
> period
> > and extent.
> > The package can use objects from raster package, all
> > raster* objects or
> > the extent(raster*), or the “national boundaries”
> file
> > (worldHires) from
> > the mapdata package as extent information.
> >  
> > - to use MRT capabilites  
> >  
> > MRT is not fully implemented yet (tested only with
> > geographic LatLon
> > and UTM projection as output. My personal priority
> list can
> > be modified
> > by tester whishes).
> > The manual can be downloaded here:
> >
> > A stepwise how to is missing yet, as soon as my time
> allows
> > I’ll create
> > it. 
> > I’m happy for any feedback!
> > Matteo Mattiuzzi
> > 
> >     [[alternative HTML version
> deleted]]
> > 
> > 
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