On 25/07/12 04:13, ASANTOS wrote:
Dear sig-geoers,

It's possible to making a multiple circular holes with owin() function in spatstat package if the circles are created in a loop function, for example:

##Circle x coordinates
##Circle x coordinates
    You mean "##Circle y coordinates" here.


    What on earth is the forgoing line all about?  It adds nothing to
    the issue of concern and makes your code non-reproducible.
    We don't have "a1.past.syn".
for (i in 1:length(x)){
  circle<-disc(radius=5,centre = c(x[i],y[i]))
  CIR<-rbind(CIR, c(circle))

    Using rbind() here makes no sense at all; actually c(circle) makes no
    sense at all either.

Because I don't know, if I can use CIR's objet in the owin(poly = ... ) function, that uses list() for create this kind of object.

If your discs did not overlap you could just use owin(poly = ...) in the following manner:

    CIR <- vector("list",length(x))
for(i in 1:length(x)) CIR[[i]] <- disc(radius=5,centre=c(x[i],y[i]))[["bdry"]][[1]]
    W <- owin(poly=CIR)

***HOWEVER*** your discs *do* overlap, so the foregoing results in an error and produces
no window.  So what you have to/can do is:

    CIR <- vector("list",length(x))
    for(i in 1:length(x)) CIR[[i]] <- disc(radius=5,centre=c(x[i],y[i]))
    W <- do.call(union.owin,CIR)

This takes quite a while --- order of half a minute or so on my elderly laptop --- and
creates a window of type "mask".

If you really want a window with polygonal boundaries you need to

    * be operating under conditions compatible with the gpclib license

    * have the gpclib package installed

    * enable gpclib by executing


before executing "W <- do.call(union.owin,CIR)". It's much quicker than the "mask" type
implementation, but the fly in the ointment is that cotton pickin' license!



        Rolf Turner

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