Hello all,

I am doing some exploratory analysis with adaptive and fixed kernels in the
SPGWR package. I am hoping to glean further insight from someone who has a
better understanding of the gw.adapt(dp, fp, quant, longlat=FALSE) command.
I understand 'quant' is proportion of data points to include in the weight.
Is there a common trade off moving from 0 to 1? The bandwidth it assigns
are consistently much larger and perform significantly worse than when
employing a fixed bandwidth, which seems counter-intuitive to much of the
literature I am reading. As the proportion I use increases, some of the
bandwidths are reaching as high as 200 km, which I know cannot be correct
as the geographical area is no more than 30 square kilometers.

Any insight is very much appreciated.  I am very aware of the
warnings and pitfalls of GWR ; I am simply looking to have a better
understanding of the intuition behind this package and command
specifically. Thanks very much for your time!


Old Dominion University

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