[R-sig-Geo] crop and overlay question

2013-02-28 Thread Hodgess, Erin
Hello everyone: I'm sure that this is a goofy question but here goes: I am analyzing some spatio-temporal data on cities in Texas (over time). I want to have a spatial grid for krigeST. However, I want my grid to be in the shape of Texas. Here is what I have done: tmp -

Re: [R-sig-Geo] crop and overlay question

2013-02-28 Thread Jesse Berman
Hi Erin, I'm sure someone else will have a more elegant solution, but if you need a quick fix try this (adapted from your posted code) Jesse tmp - map(state,Texas,fill=TRUE,plot=FALSE) texas.boundary - map2SpatialPolygons(tmp, IDs=tmp$names, proj4string=CRS(+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84