That did it! The sessionInfo() command identified that I had older
versions than what were available on CRAN, namely:
lattice -- 0.13-8
gstat -- 0.9-29 (was older: 0.9-17)
sp -- 0.8-14 (was older: 0.8-8)
On my Mac, I have:
lattice -- 0.11-8
gstat -- 0.9-21
sp -- 0.7-10
which works…
Yes, thoughts. It looks like you now get the legend values out of
the graphics file produced by the bubble() command. Bubble has
a key.entries argument, which uses by default:
key.entries = quantile(data[,zcol])
i.e. the 5 default quantiles (min, q25, med, q75, max).
You may want to provide mor