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Hi, I still need some help. Scant progress.
Resources: I have Deepayan's "Lattice" book and Roger,
Edzer, and Virgillio's "Applied Spatial Data Analysis"
if you want to refer me to anything there.
A. I use spplot with spplot.polygon parameters I receive the
following error.
. The argument se
Dear Chuanwen
You could write a new function around identify() that looks for the
observation ID, looks up the corresponding picture and plots it. None of
the spatial packages will do this automagically.
-Original Message-
From: r-sig-geo-boun...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Wondering if anyone has had success imaging a krige produced using
The dataset has 3467 locations
Here is the code used to build the krige and attempted image.
itdsglm1 <- trend.spatial(~TRAN_LNTH + Maxent + HWYS_Dist2 + MDEP +
pop, WMgeo.Sign)
itlsglm1 <- trend.spatia
Dear all,
I am not sure if this question is related to spatial analysis or not.
I searched CRAN task View, it seems this is the only place.
The data we are working on is multivariate data, where each observation has p
features(variables). For each observation, all features are computed/subtrac
Hi Yacine,
I'm not really sure why you sent this to the r-sig-geo. Not that your
question isn't welcome, but you might get more response on the r-help
list. You could look at the Baysian Task View
(http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Bayesian.html) for the packages in
R that deal with Baysian