Hi List,
I am having trouble with the classIntervals function. Something seems to be
going wrong as the function is not returning (in 8hr +).
i am trying to call the function as follows
t1 <- classIntervals(map$map.mapset, n=7, style="fisher")
there are about 2.3 million cells in the image.
Hi all,
I am not sure as to which list this best fits (Grass or R-sig-geo).
I am trying to reclass a raster map (ndvi) into 5 different zones using the
fisher method, ultimatley i am trying to reclass as natural breaks.
The point of this exercise is for precision agriculture. I want to determine
the system to
> call. What does sessionInfo() say inside R? Secondly, why is your
> ./configure the way it is? Did you make install R itself - it looks as
> though the R shared objects are not being found. If gstat doesn't install,
> I'm surprised that rgdal did.
> Roger
Hi List,
I am not entirely sure where i should be asking this question so i will
start here.
I am trying to install the gstat package into R so it can be used by a
component of GRASS.
However i cannot get gstat installed. I have already installed spgrass6
package and its dependencies, however gs