Dear list,
I am trying to convert a data matrix corresponding to a geostationary satellite 
data to raster format or a format supported by GDAL. I have tried using HDF5 
library with the following code:
n.col <- 1701  
n.row <- 651    
n.rec <- n.col*n.row
zz <- bzfile("file_to_convert.bz2","rb")
DSSF <- readBin(zz,numeric(),n=n.rec,size=4,endian="big")/86400
nDSSF <- readBin(zz,integer(),n=n.rec,size=4,endian="big")
ET0 <- readBin(zz,numeric(),n=n.rec,size=4,endian="big")
T2 <- readBin(zz,numeric(),n=n.rec,size=4,endian="big")
Rs <- array(DSSF, dim=c(n.col,n.row))
I am trying to convert it to HDF5 so that I can extract the raster info with 
gdalingo and gdaltranslate, but the output generated by hdf5save is not 
recognize by gdalinfo as a supported format. I don't know if the problem is the 
structure of the data (I have tried with all the fields available in the input 
binary) I use to generate it but it is just a matrix of data, so it should be 
able to store it in a HDF5 file. 
I have tried also with rgdal library and the following code:
writeGDAL(ET0,"file.tif",drivername = "GTiff",type="Float32")
But I am newby with R and I am not familiar with rgdal library so I am sure I 
am missing a step before trying to write the matrix data to the file. I think 
it would be easier to pass the data to HDF5 due to the matrix not having 
spatial reference on it.
If anyone could help me so that I could open HDF5 output files with gdalinfo it 
would be great.
Best regards,
Juan Manuel Moreno Rivera
Remote Sensing and G.I.S. Group
Regional Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha
02071 Campus of Albacete, Spain
Tlf. 967599200+2623
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