Hello list,
I want to compute a cost distance function (or even an euclidean
distance), from a polyline object.
Instead of closest cells (to polylines) of the resulting cost distance
raster having a value of 0, I would want them to pick up an attribute
value of the related line object. Their
Hello everybody,
I am using 'spsample' to derive points along a line and it works perfectly
by doing the following :
xx <- readShapeLines("line2",proj4string=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=34
sppts <- spsample(xx, n=50, type="random")
However, I was wondering if the user can so
Hi All,
I have a huge polyline file (slightly less than 2.10^6 objects) containing
some geographically duplicated objects. I tried to post some topological
rules using a GIS but due to the large number of objects, topology
validation and correction take a very long time.
So, I was thinking that m
Hi All,
Does anyone could help me to find the right way to do the following:
I fixed this linear model: lm(Obs~ A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 -1, data=data);
where Ai are land cover classes areas.
I have then the Ai coefficients, the structure of the residuals (it can be
approximated by a normal distributi
Hi all,
I am running the following which is meaningfull for my purposes than an
OLS with Intercept and gives me better results:
datalm<- lm(y~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 -1, data=data)
I know wonder if I can run a gwr of the model above, forcing the Intercept
coefficients to be zero at all locations. That
Hi All,
I have two questions:
I am computing a linear regression model with 0 as Intercept.
Well, I would like the sum of my predicted values be equal to a constant
and therefore analyze if my coefficients are significatively different
using or not this constraint.
Does anyone know how I can co
Dear All,
After running a GWR model, I have my local coefficient estimates and I
would like to test if there is any correlation between the local
coefficients. So, it will be great if I could map the pattern of local
coefficient correlations or make a histogram of it.
Anyone could help me ?
I wonder if anyone know whether there is a R package for implementing a
geographically weighted poisson regression model.
Thanks in advance.
R-sig-Geo mailing list
Hello everybody,
I want to obtain confidence intervals on predictions when using gwr. I
received some matrix algebra to implement to do that, but I need the gwr
weight matrix and I do not know how to get it. Could anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance for any help !
Here is below the matrix o
Is anyone can explain me how to find the degrees of freedom of OLS
Residuals, GWR Improvement and GWR Residuals when using the LMZ.F2GWR.test
? The result gives df1 and df2 as degrees of freedom and I do not want to
make the wrong correspondance.
The same with the LMZ.F1GWR.test
Thanks fo
Someone could tell me how to cite the 'spgwr' package in a scientific paper ?
The command : citation ("pkgname") returns a warning message.
Thanks in advance !
R-sig-Geo mailing list
Hello everybody,
I have one GRID with my weights values over my study area. I have also an
Administrative boundaries shapefile of my study area with an unique value
of my variable of interest for each administrative unit.
I want to distribute my unique value by administrative unit for each pixel
I am trying to explain some of my variables using a weighted linear
regression, with x and y-coordinates as my explanatory variables.
For example, I want to explain my variable 'agri' in the following way :
agri = x + y + x*y+ x^2 + y^2 where x and y are my coordinates and the
regression must
I am a new R User and I am trying to write an Ascii grid file or tiff file
from a matrix created in R.
This is what I am doing :
1. write a matrix of x-coordinates (in degrees):
x<-matrix(rep(seq(11,13,0.5), by row=T, nrow=5)
2. write a matrix of y-coordinates (in degrees):
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