[R-sig-Geo] distance to polygon (and line_

2010-10-31 Thread Peter Larson
Hello all, I have a database of point (lat long) data. I also have shapefiles of polygon and line data. I need to find the distances from each of the points to 1) the nearest polygon and 2) the nearest line. Is this possible? Thanks, Pete ___

[R-sig-Geo] Open grd files in R

2010-10-31 Thread Peter Larson
Hello again, Next question. Does anyone know how to open grd files in R? Or how to convert them into ascii? I find some info, but what I find doesn't work for me, or requires that I buy something. Any ideas? Pete ___ R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] grd files PROBLEM SOLVED

2010-10-31 Thread Peter Larson
Hello, grd file problem solved. I used DIVA to convert the file to an ASCII. Thanks, Pete ___ R-sig-Geo mailing list R-sig-Geo@stat.math.ethz.ch https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Open grd files in R

2010-10-31 Thread Peter Larson
Robert's previous solution worked well. Thanks for your help! Pete On 2010/10/31 19:09, Michael Sumner wrote: There are multiple file types that might use the .grd extension, including NetCDF and some Surfer files. Do you know what kind of file it is? Try opening the file with rgdal, or

[R-sig-Geo] convert from spatstat to sp

2010-10-29 Thread Peter Larson
Hello all, Is there any way to convert from spatstat to sp? Specifically, I am looking to clip a density plot produced in spatstat to include only points within a polygon boundary in a shapefile. if there is a way to clip in spatstat, this would also be acceptable. Any ideas? Thanks pete

[R-sig-Geo] fix color scale

2010-10-28 Thread Peter Larson
Hello! I have a problem. I am using IDW to interpolate a daily series of geospatial observations. Thus, I want to produce a large number of sequential maps. I want them to all represent the same color scale. Is there any way to fix the color scale so that it is the same for all the plots?

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Why I can't install RGDAL after R 2.12.0 release?

2010-10-28 Thread Peter Larson
Hello all, I have a grid of points and a spatial polygon shape file. I want to clip the grid so that I only have the point which lie within the shapefile. I tried the following code: ## create a grid onto which we will interpolate: ## first get the range in data x.range - c(37,50) y.range -

[R-sig-Geo] dates

2010-07-24 Thread Peter Larson
Hi, This is completely unrelated to spatial anything (well, ostensibly) but I am trying the following to convert a string to a date and am getting nothing dates - c(27-Feb-92) as.Date(dates,format= '%d-%b-%y') [1] NA Any ideas? Thanks and sorry for the off topic issue. Pete

[R-sig-Geo] BYM Model Problem

2010-05-31 Thread Peter Larson
Hello again, I am working through the examples in Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R using my own data. When I attempt to run the Besage-York-Mollie model in Chapter 11, I get an index out of range error in WinBugs. How should I go about finding where the problem is? Thanks! Pete

Re: [R-sig-Geo] BYM Model Problem

2010-05-31 Thread Peter Larson
Hello, I can get the example in the book to work fine, but it will not work with my data. I have loaded a shp file in using the code below but don't know if I can attach it to the whole list or not. What could be going wrong? Thank you very much for your help, Pete nc -

Re: [R-sig-Geo] BYM Model Problem

2010-05-31 Thread Peter Larson
for your problem, as I mentioned in my previous e-mail Also, please use these two lines to get the neighbour list in WB format: nc.neig-poly2nb(nc) nc.nb- nb2WB(nc.neig) I believe that your code will work with these changes. Best, Virgilio El lun, 31-05-2010 a las 16:19 -0400, Peter Larson

[R-sig-Geo] ReadShapePoly subsetting data

2010-05-30 Thread Peter Larson
Hello all, I have data for several states and no data for most. I just want to subset the states I have data for and ignore the rest. Is there anyway to do this? I have a shapefile and have read it in with ReadShapePoly successfully, but I don't need all 50 American states. Thanks, Pete

Re: [R-sig-Geo] ReadShapePoly subsetting data

2010-05-30 Thread Peter Larson
They don't show up as NA's. They are just 0's. The 0 values in the states I am interested in are correct, however. Pete On 2010/05/30 20:28, Matt Beard wrote: Have you looked into functions such as na.omit()? Matt On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Peter Larson pslars...@gmail.com

Re: [R-sig-Geo] ReadShapePoly subsetting data

2010-05-30 Thread Peter Larson
It doesn't seem to work. This what I have though. I have a STATE_NAME variable in the data that I could potentially use, assuming I know the write syntax. Any ideas? Thanks! Pete nc_file - system.file(/LynchingHotSpots.shp, package=maptools)[1] llCRS - CRS(+proj=longlat +datum=NAD27) nc -

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Better print method for Spatial*DataFrames?

2010-05-29 Thread Peter Larson
Hello, I am attempting to use the sample code in Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R but cannot get this to work and get this error: nc = readShapePoly(system.file(shapes/sids.shp, package=maptools)[1], + IDvar=FIPSNO, proj4string=CRS(+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66)) 以下にエラー read.dbf(filen) :

[R-sig-Geo] Neighbor matrix from shp file

2010-05-11 Thread Peter Larson
Hello, I have a shp file of polygons of US counties and want to generate an adjacency matrix (neighbor matrix). Is there an easy way to do this? It seems like it should be trivial. Thanks, Pete ___ R-sig-Geo mailing list R-sig-Geo@stat.math.ethz.ch