Re: [R-sig-Geo] HELP to cbind several data.frame with a LOOP

2009-04-14 Thread Zev Ross
Something like this might get you started. If you've got very big data, though, looping wouldn't be the efficient way to go. Tableanalysis_firenze_10<-data.frame(a=1:10, b=1:10) Tableanalysis_firenze_20<-x Tableanalysis_firenze_30<-x mydata<-paste("Tableanalysis_firenze_", seq(10, 30, by=10), se

[R-sig-Geo] HELP to cbind several data.frame with a LOOP

2009-04-09 Thread Alessandro
Dear R users, thank for help. SORRY I am seeing in google a maillist but I didn't find a solution for my problem I have several txt file (with the same number of column and HEADER) to merge together, this is an example: Tableanalysis_firenze_10.txt Tableanalysis_firenze_20.txt Tablean