Re: [R-sig-Geo] RSAGA .asc morphology loop question

2009-03-01 Thread Alexander Brenning
Hi, this... > for (i in length(asc.files[i])) { ...only works if the variable i existed previously, and it seems that its value happened to be 1 in your case. It then counts from length(asc.files[i]) to length(asc.files[i]); asc.files[i] is a vector of length one (because i is 1), so the for

Re: [R-sig-Geo] RSAGA .asc morphology loop question

2009-03-01 Thread Tim Sippel
Hi Alex- Thanks for the response, which helped me get a step closer to what I want. Now that I have removed the extensions from the files as you suggest, I am able to process one file, but am not able to process an entire directory of files. Upon running a loop over all files in the directory, it

Re: [R-sig-Geo] RSAGA .asc morphology loop question

2009-03-01 Thread Alexander Brenning
Hi Tim, the rsaga.esri.wrapper currently expects the in.* and out.* arguments (with the ASCII/float ESRI grids) to have NO file extension - the file extension to be used for all ESRI grids can be given by the esri.extension argument; it currently defaults to ".asc" when format="ascii" and to

[R-sig-Geo] RSAGA .asc morphology loop question

2009-02-25 Thread Tim Sippel
I'm using RSAGA (version 0.9-4) to calculate rate of change (slope) on a series of .asc files. I'm getting en error message saying it can't open the grid. My code follows: library(RSAGA) # data directory containing my .asc files to calculate slope on<-"C:\\" setwd( env<-rsa