Re: [R-sig-Geo] dimensions do not match

2008-04-07 Thread Edzer Pebesma
Thanks Mathieu, for sending me the data off-line. If you have a massive data set, you should use kriging within a local neighbourhood to prevent forming and inverting a covariance matrix of 4.3 Gb (24067 records, squared, times 8 bytes per double). You may try to convince the author of automap

[R-sig-Geo] dimensions do not match

2008-04-03 Thread mathieu grelier
I send this question again since it didn't work first time. A question about a problem already described in this list (, but I didn't find any answer. I am trying to achieve ordinary kriging using gstat (via the autokrige package) in G

[R-sig-Geo] dimensions do not match

2008-04-02 Thread mathieu grelier
A question about a problem already described in this list (, but I didn't find any answer. I am trying to achieve ordinary kriging using gstat (via the autokrige package) in GRASS with a big dataset (24067 points). After the program r