Re: [R-sig-Geo] netCDF, raster(), and being memory-safe

2010-06-07 Thread Robert J. Hijmans
Hi Jonathan, Currently the safest way would be to loop over time with something like this v_wind_raster=raster(v_wind_file,zvar='vwnd',time=i) and write these to another format, and then make a RasterStack. But that's awful. I'll write memory-safer functions for netCDF sometime this week (i.e. sa

[R-sig-Geo] netCDF, raster(), and being memory-safe

2010-06-07 Thread Jonathan Greenberg
r-sig-geo'ers: Next in my barrage of questions -- what would be a memory-safe way of dealing with netCDF files via raster()? I understand that raster loads the entire netCDF band/file into memory when using raster(): u_wind_rasters=stack(u_wind_file,zvar='uwnd') or v_wind_raster=raster(v_wind_