Dear all

I am currently analyzing a community dataset of two continuous traits –
survival and disease resistance.

I ran two regressions: (1) considering each species independent data
points, and (2) phylogenetic independent contrasts.  Both regressions were
significant.  Blomberg’s K also significant and ~ 0.38, and 0.34,

However, I am interested in the slope of these regressions. For regression
1, slope = 0.142, for regression 2 slope = 0.105.

I am interested in saying how much (in %) the evolutionary relationships
contributed to the slope.  My question is:

Can I say that evolutionary relationships accounted for 74% (0.105/0.142)
of the observed slope? Or is it only 26%?

Thanks in advance for your help, since I don't have any experience running
these types of analyses.

Best regards,


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