I'm not sure if this is the best place to make a bug report, but I thought 
others might be interested. 

I was trying to replicate, with geiger, a demonstration of estimating lambda 
with measurement error from Liam's blog:


Replicating this with fitContinuous, I received the following error:

> fitContinuous(tree,xe,model="lambda",meserr=se)
Error in meserr[o, ] : incorrect number of dimensions

The problem is related to this bit of code in fitContinuous, used to determine 
whether meserr is a single value, a vector, or a matrix:

    else if (is.vector(meserr)) {
        if (!is.null(names(meserr))) {
            o <- match(rownames(td$data), names(meserr))
            if (length(o) != ntax) 
                stop("meserr is missing some taxa from the tree")
            meserr <- as.matrix(meserr[o,])

Removing the comma from the final line fixed the problem. The values I receive 
from geiger after removing the comma are identical to the values I get from 
phytools::phylosig for the same data, so I am assuming I haven't broken 
anything important.

The full code I used is at the end of this message, for those interested. 


Matt Johnson

> library(geiger)
Loading required package: ape
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: msm
Loading required package: ouch
Loading required package: subplex
> library(phytools)
Loading required package: mnormt
Loading required package: phangorn
Loading required package: quadprog
Loading required package: igraph
Loading required package: rgl
> source("mjContinuous.R") #fitContinuous with offending comma removed
> set.seed(2)
> gen.lambda=0.7
> tree = drop.tip(birthdeath.tree(b=1,d=0,taxa.stop=501),"501")
> se = sqrt(rchisq(n=500,df=2))
> names(se) = tree$tip.label
> x= fastBM(lambdaTree(tree,gen.lambda),sig2=1)
> e = rnorm(n=500,sd=se)
> xe=x+e
> fitContinuous(tree,x,model="lambda")
Fitting  lambda model:
[1] -1031.783

[1] 1.221674

[1] 0.7613218

[1] 2069.567

[1] 2069.615

[1] 3

> fitContinuous(tree,xe,model="lambda")
Fitting  lambda model:
[1] -1154.987

[1] 1.412728

[1] 0.5495113

[1] 2315.975

[1] 2316.023

[1] 3

> fitContinuous(tree,xe,model="lambda",meserr=se)
Error in meserr[o, ] : incorrect number of dimensions
> mjContinuous(tree,xe,model="lambda",meserr=se) #with problematic comma removed
Fitting  lambda model:
[1] -1141.14

[1] 1.170196

[1] 0.7484273

[1] 2288.281

[1] 2288.329

[1] 3

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