Hi all,

I'm trying to analyze a dataset that has left-censored, right-censored, and 
categorical predictor variables and a univariate response in mcmcglmm. However, 
I am uncertain of how to specify the appropriate model command and priors.

The response (rates) is a net diversification rate derived from BAMM. The 
right-censored data is body size (max.min, max=Inf), and size at sexual 
maturity is left censored (f.min= -Inf, f.max). There are four binary variables 
indicating presence/absence: M.sup, M.inf, F.sup, F.inf. 

My code is as follows:


dat <- read.table("appended3.txt", row.names=1, header=TRUE)  ##Read data table

dat$f.min[which(is.na(dat$f.min))]<- -Inf  ##Assign -Inf for left-censored 

t <- read.tree("MCC_pruned.tre")  ##Read phylogenetic tree

tnames <- t$tip.label[order(t$tip.label)]   ##Get tip names

full <- as.data.frame(cbind(tnames, dat))  ##Bind tip names to existing data 

invT <- inverseA(t)$Ainv    ##Calculate inverse, assuming nodes="ALL", the 

prior <- list(R=list(V=1,nu=0.002),
nu=0.002)))   ##General 
"get it running" prior I have seen in tutorials

model_test <- MCMCglmm(rates ~ cbind(max.min, max) + cbind(f.min, f.max)+ M.sup 
+ M.inf + F.sup + F.inf,
                       random = ~tnames, prior=prior, 
family=c("gaussian","cenexponential","cenexponential", "threshold","threshold", 
"threshold","threshold"), ginverse=list(tnames=invT),
                     data=full, nitt=5000000,burnin=1000,thin=500)

##The above specification is attempting to assign gaussian for rates, 
cenexponential for the left-and right-censored data, and threshold for the four 
binary characters. 

I get the error

Error in matrix(unlist(value, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE), nrow = nr, 
  'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'

traceback() gives the following:

3: matrix(unlist(value, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE), nrow = nr, 
       dimnames = list(rn, cn))
2: Ops.data.frame(data[, which(names(data) == response.names[nt + 
       1])], data[, which(names(data) == response.names[nt])])
1: MCMCglmm(rates ~ cbind(max.min, max) + cbind(f.min, f.max) + 
       M.sup + M.inf + F.sup + F.inf, random = ~tnames, prior = prior, 
       family = c("cenexponential", "cenexponential", "threshold", 
           "threshold", "threshold", "threshold"), ginverse = list(tnames = 
       data = full, nitt = 5e+06, burnin = 1000, thin = 500)

and debug() stops after

debug: if (any(data[, which(names(data) == response.names[nt + 1])] < 
    data[, which(names(data) == response.names[nt])], na.rm = T)) {
    stop("for censored traits left censoring point must be less than right 
censoring point")

However, the lower bound for max is equal to or larger than the upper bound for 

How can I get this running? 

Many thanks,


John S. S. Denton, Ph.D.
Department of Vertebrate Paleontology
American Museum of Natural History
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