I'm hoping there are readers of this list who are familiar with Rosette 
<https://docs.racket-lang.org/rosette-guide/index.html?q=rosette>, or could 
at least suggest a better place for me to ask such questions.

I'm trying to use Rosette for some symbolic code simplification, and I'd 
like to be able to hand it various expressions that involve sets of 
variables (with types) and sets of assumptions *that I extract from 
s-expressions with other Racket code*.

So, while I could do this:

  #lang rosette/safe
  (define-symbolic i j integer?)
  (verify (assert (> i j)))

or even this:

  #lang rosette/safe
  (define-symbolic i j integer?)
  (define query (> i j))
  (verify (assert query))

and have it provide a counter-example model, e.g., i=j=0, I can't do this 
simplified version of what I'm aiming at:

  #lang rosette/safe
  (define (verify-me query)
    (define-symbolic (symbolics query) integer?)
    (verify (assert query)))
  (verify-me '(> i j))

Possibly I could do something unpleasant with macros to resolve this, 
though I suspect I'd need to convert a *lot* of other code into macros; 
possibly I could create a collection of fresh symbolics, and then replace 
the things I want to treat as symbolic in "query" with some kind of map. 
But, it didn't seems to me that I was asking for a really unusual usage 
case, so I'm hoping there's a more "normal" way to do this, i.e., to 
extract all names not it (make-base-namespace) from an s-expression and 
then make symbolics for some/all of them as if with define-symbolic.

Perhaps this is easy, or perhaps this is just not something one could do 
with Rosette, or perhaps something in between?

Dave W

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