I have been using Racket for about 18 months for personal projects and 
teaching. I have been doing all of my work in DrRacket but I wanted to 
interact with a module that I wrote on the interactive command line this 
morning. I am getting an error while using the command line that I am not 
getting in the Dr.Racket Interactions window.

This is the code that runs fine in the Interactions window of DrRacket:
(input-financial-data) deserializes the data properly and populates the 
list variable that I am using correctly. The lines of code in the module 

(define data (input-financial-data data-file))
(printf "~a data records read~n" (length data))
(define closed-trades (filter trade-closed? data))

On the command line when running:
$> racket -i
> (enter! "year-1-analysis.rkt")
I get an error while trying to read a file of serialized structs. The error 

given value instantiates a different structure type with the same name
  expected: trade?
  given: (trade #1=(date* 0 0 0 21 04 2017 3 294 #t -25200 0 "PDT") 'PYPL 
"simInvest" (list (transaction 29555578996 #1# "simInvest" 'PYPL 'BOUGHT 30 
43.70) (transaction 29556891965 (date* 0 0 0 23 04 2017 3 294 #t -25200 0 
"PDT") "simInvest" 'PYPL 'B...

My question is what are the differences between using a module in DrRacket 
versus on the command line? Thank you in advance for your assistance.


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