
Is there a way to enable logging for a logger and all its descendants?

#lang racket

(define-logger lt)

(define (create-sublogger name)
  (make-logger name lt-logger))

(parameterize ([current-logger (create-sublogger 'foo)])
  (log-debug "hello"))

(log-lt-debug "goodbye")

I would have expected this to say "hello" and "goodbye" with debug@lt.
The reason I need something like this is because I want each thread in
my program to own it's own logger (so I know which message comes from
which thread). So I do something like:

(parameterize ([current-logger (create-sublogger lt-logger)])
       (thunk ...)))

create-sublogger increases a counter, which makes it part of a topic and
returns a logger with that topic. I do not know the logger name. Simply
that lt-logger is its parent.

How can I achieve something like this?

Paulo Matos

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