It looks great, but I have a hard time understanding the gist of it.
The rules are written in fine prints like the Terms of Service of an 
insurance company.

What benefits does Google actually brings in that event?
Couldn't we just make a campaign on our networks to ask students in summer 
vacation for help or something?

Helping write documentation is becoming one of my main goal in Racket 
because I really enjoy writing doc (so every time I see a package that I 
want to use, but is not documented, I make a PR with some basic scribble 
So this looks like a great opportunity to get more people involved, but it 
looks like I'm missing something.

Is Google paying for that time?
Do they bring some "technical experts" as "mentor" or something?
Is it something well known in the US? (that would explain I don't get a 
thing about the vocabulary used)

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