I'm getting an error (shown below) when trying to run any code from Emacs with 
Racket Mode.  It says to restart the REPL but that does not clear the problem.  
It even persists through a reboot.  I was on Racket 8.0 and I tried upgrading 
to 8.2 to solve the problem but that did not work either.

If I take a file that has just "#lang racket ", nothing else, and hit C-c C-c 
in emacs, I get the following error:

Welcome to Racket v8.2 [cs].
tcp-listen: listen failed
port number: 55555
system error: Address already in use; errno=48 

To try and see what is going on, I tried the following commands after getting 
the error and then exiting the Racket REPL but neither showed anything using 
port 55555.

$ ps -fA | grep -E [r]acket

$ sudo lsof -i :55555

What can I do to get clear of this error?

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