
It seems that after an identifier has been shifted 
by syntax-shift-phase-level, the original identifier can bind the shifted 
identifier, but not the other way around. I think the correct behavior is 
that neither should bind the other. The following code can be used to test 

(define-syntax bind-test0

  (lambda (stx)

    (define id #'x)

    (define shifted-id (syntax-shift-phase-level id -1))

    (syntax-case stx ()

      [(_ e)

        #`(let ([#,id e])

             (displayln #,shifted-id))])))

(define-syntax bind-test1

  (lambda (stx)

    (define id #'x)

    (define shifted-id (syntax-shift-phase-level id -1))

    (syntax-case stx ()

      [(_ e)

        #`(let ([#,shifted-id e])

             (displayln #,id))])))

(bind-test0 100) would display 100, but (bind-test1 100) would raise an 
error. I'm new to Racket, so if this is in fact the correct behavior, a 
pointer to some related documentation would be appreciated.



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