I’m interested in converting TeX to picts. It looks like racket-poppler might 
be the way to do that. 

Unfortunately, I’m having trouble running racket-poppler. I ran into several 
problems, but fortunately, all of the problems that I saw were also observed by 
the test suite. Running 

raco test -p racket-poppler

on my machine (macOS 10.15.2, racket built from git source this morning) 
produces both a contract failure and a core dump. (Transcript below.)

One obvious problem is that it looks like the latex->pict function now requires 
a #:preamble keyword, which apparently the tests don’t expect? Also, I’m 
dumping core in the ffi calls. What’s the right way to fix this?


John Clements

ardy:/tmp clements> raco test -p racket-poppler
raco test: "/Users/clements/racket/racket/share/pkgs/racket-poppler/info.rkt"
raco test: 
'((title "") (author "") (aubject "") (keywords "") (creator "LaTeX with 
hyperref package") (producer "pdfTeX-1.40.3") (page-count 364))
'(612.0 792.0)
'(0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0)
"The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand 
PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket 
or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you 
are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If 
you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An 
Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction 
to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of 
the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and 
other reference manuals."
"The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand 
PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket 
or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you 
are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If 
you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An 
Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction 
to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of 
the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and 
other reference manuals.\n1"
'((238.76 164.72937400000006 250.24267179999998 180.20601860000005) 
(250.24267179999998 164.72937400000006 259.8144342 180.20601860000005) 
(259.8144342 164.72937400000006 267.45807179999997 180.20601860000005) 
(267.45807179999997 164.72937400000006 271.7619218 180.20601860000005) 
(271.7619218 164.72937400000006 284.19144059999996 180.20601860000005))
Assertion failed: (! scaled_font->cache_frozen), function 
cairo_scaled_font_create, file cairo-scaled-font.c, line 1175.
test-pdf-functions.rkt: raco test: non-zero exit: 134
raco test: 
application: required keyword argument not supplied
  procedure: latex->pict
  required keyword: #:preamble
 [running body]
"/Users/clements/racket/pkgs/compiler-lib/compiler/commands/test.rkt" process): 
[running body]
test-render-tex.rkt: raco test: non-zero exit: 1
raco test: 
raco test: 
raco test: 
raco test: 
raco test: 
raco test: 
application: required keyword argument not supplied
  procedure: latex->pict
  required keyword: #:preamble
[running body]
"/Users/clements/racket/pkgs/compiler-lib/compiler/commands/test.rkt" process): 
[running body]
test-render-tex.rkt: raco test: non-zero exit: 1
3/3 test failures
hardy:/tmp clements> 

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