Hi all,

I'm really having a lot of fun playing with typed racket these days.

But I keep hitting some confusing issues with hash tables.

The following bit of code works fine in #lang racket but chokes on #lang

(match (hash 'low 5 'high 5)
  [(hash-table ('low (? integer? low))
               ('high (? integer? high)))
   (list low high)])

racket responds with:

Type Checker: Polymorphic function `hash-map' could not be applied to
Domains: HashTableTop (-> Any Any c)
         (HashTable a b) (-> a b c)
Arguments: (HashTable Symbol Integer) (All (a) (-> a * (Listof a)))
 in: (match (hash (quote low) 5 (quote high) 5) ((hash-table ((quote
low) (? integer? low)) ((quote high) (? integer? high))) (list low high)))

In an ideal world, I would use (match (bytes->jsexpr
hopefuly-valid-json-bytes) [(hash-table ...)]) to extract typed
parameters from some json input in a reasonable way.  But perhaps I'm
abusing match.

For the moment set that problem aside - why doesn't my match work in
typed racket?  What am I not understanding?



Matthew Eric Bassett | http://mebassett.info

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