Hi list,

we developed an extension which adds multi-lingual capabilities to  
Radiant 1.6.3, without the need to make multiple trees in your page- 

The extension allows a site to have pages and snippets in several  
languages; with a default language (currently dutch, but easy to  
change in the source code. We didn't test this extension with other  
extensions, or how it behaves on a running installation, so install  
this with care.

It works for us, and we will continue to add features, but this is a  
first version which gives us what we need.

The major advantages are
- no need to have multiple site-hierarchies in your pages
- auto-redirection to the default language
- use of globalize, which works wonderful

- includes pages which are copied from Radiant 1.6.3 (view/admin/page/ 
_node.rhtml and snippet/index.rhtml)
- includes code from the site-controller within the extension
- currently only works with Radiant 1.6.3 (due to both previous points)

More info and download here: http://www.openminds.be/article/radiant- 

TAKE CARE: you need to apply a patch to globalize! See this link:  

Kind regards,
Bernard Grymonpon & Jan De Poorter
Openminds BVBA - Rails hosting by professionals - http:// 
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