Sean Cribbs wrote:
>     I've been doing this via a plugin, as follows:
>     class Behavior::Base
>        define_tags do
>          tag "slicktabs" do |tag|
>            slicktab =
>            slicktab.output
>          end
>          ...other tags...
>        end
>     end
>     class SlickTabs
>        ...
>     end
> So essentially, Behavior::Base is available whether there's a behavior 
> assigned or not?  Or am I misunderstanding?

I just wrote a whole screed about reopening classes in Ruby, then 
realized you were asking if Behavior::Base is always available -to the 
page-.  Oops.

 From experience, yes - you don't need a behavior defined to use the 
tags you call from Behavior::Base.  I'm not sure entirely why; John can 
shed some light, I'm sure.

I think it's because Behavior::Base acts as kind of an abstract base 
class - it sets up a bunch of helpers for defining tags, but (normally) 
doesn't call any of them itself.  Any behaviors you write would descend 
from it and call them. And Page seems to delegate to Behavior no matter 
what, so if no other behavior is defined, you're still getting 
Behavior::Base, which normally does nothing.  Now that you've reopened 
it, you're defining some tags as well - you've modified the "nil" behavior.

I'm very muddy on this advanced_delegation stuff, so my explanation of 
WHY it works may be totally wrong.  But it works.  Just like a cargo cult.


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